Failure to Yield Accidents in Washington: An Overview
October 6, 2020 – Matt Albrecht

The driver who has the ‘right-of-way’ has the authority to go forward and occupy a space. When motorists fail to yield the right-of-way in accordance with state or local traffic regulations, serious accidents can occur. Indeed, the Insurance Information Institute (III) reports that failure to yield is one of the most common reasons cited in crashes.
We want to make sure that all drivers understand Washington’s right-of-way laws. Should an accident occur, you need to know how to protect your rights and interests. Here, our top-rated Spokane auto accident attorneys provide an overview of right-of-way regulations and failure to yield collisions.
Washington State Law: Right-of-Way and Failure to Yield
As simply defined by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), right-of-way is the legal right to proceed along a route with precedence over other parties. In other words, a driver or pedestrian who has the right-of-way has the authority to move forward. Everyone else is supposed to wait for them to clear the area. In Washington, right-of-way is a situationally dependent concept. Who has the right-of-way depends on the specific circumstances. Here are four key things to know about the right-of-way:
- Traffic Signals Should Be Obeyed: All drivers must stop at red lights and stop signs. Failure to yield at a traffic signal is a serious violation.
- Vehicle Turning Left Must Wait: All vehicles making a left-hand turn are required to yield to oncoming traffic. Oncoming traffic always has the right-of-way.
- The Vehicle on the Right has Precedence at Intersections: When two vehicles enter an intersection at the same time, the vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right.
- Pedestrians Have the Right-of-Way in Crosswalks: All drivers should yield to pedestrians when approaching marked crosswalks or unmarked intersections. Be safe and allow a pedestrian to pass through.
Recover Compensation for Failure to Yield Accident Injuries
Unfortunately, not all drivers comply with the duty to yield the right-of-way. If you were involved in a crash because another driver failed to yield, you can hold them legally liable for the resulting damages. Failure to yield is negligence. Even if the other driver was not cited for a traffic violation, you can still hold them liable for their failure to properly yield.
You may be entitled to recover financial compensation for the full extent of your damages, including medical bills, rehabilitative care, lost wages, diminished earning potential, and long-term disability or impairment. An experienced Spokane car accident attorney can help you prepare all of the evidence you need to prove failure to yield and recover full financial compensation.
Schedule a Free Consultation With a Car Accident Lawyer in Spokane, WA
At Albrecht Law PLLC, our Spokane auto accident attorney will fight aggressively to protect your rights and help you maximize your financial support. If you were hurt in a failure to yield crash, we are here for you. Contact us now for a no cost, no commitment review of your case. We represent injured victims throughout all of Eastern Washington, including in Colville, Newport, Harrington, and Medical Lake.
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